WebSolutions – ERP

A CARE product with the solution 100% in the cloud and adapted to our clients and partners’ distinctive needs.

WebSolutions Ecosystems manages more than 50 thousand service orders per month of the most varied electronics products and service models. It is complete, modular and 100% customizable, and has been expanding its market participation and satisfying the most known companies. It reduces service time and operational cost through technology, which is the main goal of WebSolutions


Service orders management of several clients, suppliers and products, totally configurable and adaptable to the Client’s needs.


Sales management of parts and products, integrated to the Input and Manager module.


Sales management of parts and products, integrated with stock and service orders module.


Financial management of the company, with cash flow tools, Inflow, Costs Center, etc. It can be customized to attend several types of services.


Monitoring process in accordance with the main business indexes, using the best Business Intelligence methodologies and data processing


Complete management of transport / fleet suppliers. Including calculation validation and carriers tables.

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